My Community Competition
The children of the St Malachy’s Primary School took part in a competition in association with Queen’s Communities and Place (QCAP). The winners were awarded prizes for their poetry and drawings about their community. Communities Minister Deirdre Hargey MLA joined Professor Kathy Higgins, QCAP Director, and the team, at a prize giving in St Malachy’s Primary School on Wednesday, 15 December 2021.
Minister Hargey – who had been a pupil at the school herself – said: “This is a really good partnership, and I’m delighted to be here this morning, which was a competition of local young people looking at poetry and what’s important to them within their community, and particularly the school community here at St Malachy’s”.
The winners were: Primary 7, Zara and Malik; Primary 6, Alexis and Jack; and in Primary 3 Dani and Eoin. Well done to everyone who entered the competition, the standard of work was really high and the school where provided with party supplies so everyone could celebrate. Dermot Flynn, Principal of the school added: “Queen’s have been absolutely amazing. And I think you can see it on the look of all of the children’s faces, they are so delighted to receive their prizes”.
Giving out the awards, Dr Stephen Sexton of the Seamus Heaney Centre at Queens, said: “I was so pleased to read this really wonderful, exciting, sophisticated, work by the primary school pupils here. We’re very proud to celebrate all the hard work they’ve done”.