Sunshine Not Skyscrappers!
While the hard fought campaigns of the last five years are beginning to bear fruit with new homes on the Gasworks and the continuing success in the fight against the Stewart Street skyscrapers, new challenges are constantly emerging which underpin the relentless pressure the community is under from commercial and speculative interests. The Market as a community needs to be equally relentless in educating and organising to ensure that we continue to meet these challenges and continue winning.
Belfast City Council’s Planning Committee refused planning permission to the Stewart Street skyscrapers in November 2020. The developer, Kilmona Holdings, have now lodged an appeal with the Planning Appeals Commission (PAC). Residents who objected to the development should receive a notification from the PAC in due course, and we urge you to respond stating that you still object to this proposal. We are confident that the PAC will see the justice of the residents’ case and that after failing in the Judicial Review Court, failing in the Ministerial Advisory Group, and failing in the Planning Committee, they will now fail for a fourth time at the PAC.